Patient's Voices

I can tell you a lot about my many years of medical work. My guiding principle has been and always is that a new hip or a new knee leads to a better quality of life. Therefore, it may be interesting for you to change perspective and let my patients speak. Some of them have offered feedback on my website.

Petra Drechsler

New quality of life

“I have had excruciating groin pain for a long time. A few days after receiving my new hip, I am finally pain-free and looking forward to long walks with my dog again.”

Petra Drechsler, Lierschied/Rhein-Lahn-Kreis

Gerd Engelmann

Athletic excellence

“Even with two artificial knee joints, you can certainly produce athletic excellence – for example, club champion of the Rhein-Main Golf Club!”

Gerd Engelmann, Eltville

Ursula Rockel

Renewed activity

“Prof. Schroeder-Boersch has implanted partial replacements in both my knees. Now I play tennis again and enjoy my renewed activity to the fullest!”

Ursula Rockel, Wiesbaden

Roger Götzl

Improved quality of life

“As a professional, I appreciated the offer to operate on my two seriously ill hip joints at the same time. What an improvement in my quality of life, also thanks to minimally invasive surgical techniques!”

Roger Götzl, Friedberg